About Sustainability Leaders United

Sustainability Leaders United celebrates and connects sustainable tourism impact makers. Through our interviews we give changemakers an opportunity to share their success strategies, dreams and ambitions. Our destination showcases put a spotlight on best practices around the world.

The project was founded in New Zealand back in 2014, by Florian Kaefer and Natàlia Ferrer Roca. The motivation was – and still is – to encourage tourism professionals to embrace sustainability and to inspire you to make tourism more resilient and better for communities and the natural environment.

Now based in Switzerland, Florian continues to develop and manage SLU as a private initiative, supported by collaborators around the world – most notably Supriya AN, our social media ninja.

In mid-2022 “Sustainability Leaders United” was born  – replacing “Sustainability Leaders Project” alongside a complete redesign of the website, attributed to the project’s growing success.

In early 2024 we published our first Sustainability Leaders Yearbook – and hit the 10,000 followers mark on LinkedIn.


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Sustainability Leaders United is transforming businesses and communities by inspiring professionals through stories and examples, and by transferring knowledge and ideas across borders and disciplinary boundaries.

Let’s connect:

Contact us with your question or idea – or  follow our highly engaged community on LinkedIn.

"Sustainability Leaders United has been a fantastic way of connecting with organizations seeking insights into sustainable tourism and hospitality. Florian and the team provide professional vetting to ensure the best possible fit between event organizers and speakers. The process creates a win-win for organizations and speakers: I am able to add value for event organizers through tailored presentations while advancing my mission of promoting the importance of sustainability in the tourism system."

Dr Jonathon Day
Dr Jonathon Day
Contact Us

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