Scalottas Terroir, Switzerland: How the Award-Winning Restaurant Champions Sustainability

Published 08/04/2021
Scalottas terroir

Sustainable cuisine – regional, healthy, innovative – is booming around the world. Here in Switzerland, Scalottas Terroir shows how to do it. Recently awarded a green Michelin star, Scalottas Terroir with its head chef, Hansjörg Ladurner, is the award-winning restaurant of Schweizerhof Lenzerheide, the Swiss hotel owned and managed by well-known hoteliers Claudia and Andreas Züllig.

What makes Scalottas a sustainability leader is the close partnership and collaboration with producers of fine ingredients, across the Grisons region in Eastern Switzerland. The focus is on reviving and celebrating old species of plants and animals together, and on sharing agricultural risk and responsibilities by cultivating land themselves.

Here’s how the restaurant describes its style and approach to sustainable hospitality:

“Forget starter, main course and dessert for just a moment. Create your own unique menu by combining whatever you like! We offer small portions so you can try out a variety of dishes. We have a Terroir kitchen with regional products that are produced in harmony with nature. We source our ingredients from suppliers who share our sustainability philosophy. We know the people who produce our food, know exactly how the animals are raised and where the vegetables grow.”

Conservation of energy, the use of natural materials, social responsibility, targeted initial and continuing training for its employees, and the use of local products have all been a matter of course at Hotel Schweizerhof Lenzerheide for many years.

To promote sustainability, the Zülligs have also created new offers such as the ′Bündner Abende′: Events that promote regional products, implemented in conjunction with farmers and vintners from the Graubünden region.

With thanks to Claudia Züllig for sharing this truly inspiring sustainability story with us, and for giving us the opportunity to experience it first-hand. More about Scalottas terroir and Schweizerhof Lenzerheide here.
